Luxépolis fights counterfeit products. We have zero tolerance policy against fakes and believe that the true essence of luxury lies in fine craftsmanship and authenticity.We take every step to discourage sellers from listing fakes, including banning the habitual fake sellers permanently from the Luxépolis community.We also work with brands to report fakes and work with the law enforcement bodies and luxury brand industry associations/groups to report fake product listings.Please feel free to email us at vip@luxepolis.com for further information on our charter against... Read more
At Luxépolis, we understand the importance of trust. You are protected each time you place an order on Luxépolis. Every pre-loved luxury item is carefully authenticated by our in-house and overseas authentication teams with years of experience in spotting fakes. Before we ship any item to the buyer, we verify to match the description provided by the seller.If your shipment/order never arrives, we'll refund your payment. If your ordered item does not match the description, inform us within 3 days of delivery. Once we verify your claim, we'll refund your payment. Luxépolis Protect policy protects your order each and every time. Shop now with confidence & 100% peace of mind.In a rare event, if you suspect a fake item is shipped, inform us with in 3 days. We'll verify your claims and if founds to be true, we'll issue complete... Read more